New interactive pets and dolls to aid cognitively impaired patients
Patients at The Friendlies Hospital with cognitive impairment now have special new companions thanks to a very generous donation from The Friendlies Foundation.
The interactive cat and dog along with a lifelike weighted newborn baby doll can provide comfort as well as stimulate memories for patients with cognitive impairment. Director of Clinical Services and Patient Safety, Sandy Blake, has seen first- hand the benefits that interactive pets and dolls can bring to patients. Sandy has worked with Unit Five Nurse Unit Manager Donna Habermann to introduce the companions as part of a program to engage more closely with those living with advanced cognitive impairment.
The Friendlies Foundation Coordinator Julie Anderson said, “The Friendlies Foundation supports the growth and development of The Friendlies Hospital. The donation of companion pets and dolls is an example of how the funds raised by the Foundation directly benefits the healthcare needs of patients at the hospital.”