Raising Funds to Expand Oncology Services
The recent Cane2Coral fun, run and walk raised much needed funds for a number of local charities and services our community depend on. The Friendly Society Private Hospital is extremely proud to maintain naming rights sponsorship of this event; an event that highlights the importance of living a healthy and active lifestyle, that reaps enormous health benefits.
As a not-for-profit organisation, owned by the community, The Friendlies have a charity arm known as the Friendlies Foundation, established to raise funds specifically for the improvement of facilities and expansion of services.
This year the Friendlies Foundation will be one of the beneficiaries of funds raised through the Cane2Coral event. These funds will go directly towards the future expansion of the Day Oncology Unit, expected to take place in 2016.
This is the first fundraising project of the Friendlies Foundation, for further information about the Foundation please visit our newly launched website and follow our progress on our Facebook page.