Dedicated Endoscopy Unit Opens to treat more patients
The Friendlies dedicated Endoscopy Unit has only been open for a few weeks, but the benefits of this purpose-built space are being seen by doctors and patients alike.
CEO Alan Cooper said the decision to convert a space made vacant by the relocation of the Day Oncology Unit to the dedicated endoscopy unit and recovery area had been well received.
“Our doctors who now use this new facility have been very receptive to the change and impressed at the efficiency and flow it extends to both doctor and patients,” Mr Cooper said.
“They are pleased we can offer this as a dedicated service to their patients, instead of as part of our regular theatre processes.
“There are many benefits to the patients, such as being moved in and out of the unit more efficiently, but it has also been a benefit to the hospital by relieving the pressure on our other five operating theatres and recovery area.”
The Endoscopy Unit is on the Ground floor of the Friendly Society Private Hospital, and can be best accessed by the main Woondooma Street entrance.
View it on our interactive map here
Photo: Endoscopy Unit nurses, Jo Beswick and Katherine Lamberton in the newly opened unit.