Hospital curtains recycled thanks to Boomerang Bag project
With Plastic Bags being banned in Queensland in 2018, the Friendly Society Private Hospital is doing its part to be environmentally conscious by recycling some unused fabrics, donating it to the Bundaberg Boomerang Bag project.
Boomerang Bags take donations of fabric and recycles it to create shopping bags which are then given to shops for customers to take and keep, to encourage people to stop and think about their decision to use plastic bags when shopping.
The Friendlies Environmental Services Manager Yari Ottoboni said while the hospital’s seamstress recycle fabric into items sold by The Friendlies Foundation, the hospital had more fabric than was needed.
“We have been able to donate six good quality curtains and privacy screens that are no longer used, and we are happy to be able to donate them to such a worthwhile, environmental cause,” Mr Ottoboni said.
Boomerang Bags’ Carmen McEneany thanked The Friendlies and said the donation would be put to good use.
“We have made and donated about 1700 bags so far, but we always need more sewers,” Mrs McEneany said.
“We have sewing bees once a month at Bundaberg Christian College, but people are welcome to sew in their own homes. We also have jobs for people who can’t sew as well.”
For more information about the project or to help out, contact the Facebook page at facebook.com/boomerangbagsbundaberg.
Photo: Boomerang Bag’s Carmen McEneany with Friendly Society Private Hospital Hotel Services Manager Yari Ottoboni.