Pain Revolution comes to The Friendlies
The Friendlies’ senior Physiotherapist Mitchell Shorten is leading a “Pain Revolution” in Bundaberg and the Wide Bay region.
Mitch (pictured) is part of the Pain Revolution movement which aims to change how people understand pain, especially in rural and regional communities across Australia.
As part of the program, Mitchell is completing a Professional Certificate in Pain Sciences at the University of South Australia (UniSA).
Mitch is believed to be the first physio in the area to be training as a pain educator through Pain Revolution.
“The idea with Pain Revolution is to get pain education and understanding out to the community,” he said.
“Pain is the number one cause of disability in the world. Pain is very different for each individual and many find it hard to get the advice and help they need to reduce their pain levels.
“This program helps people to understand pain, how to treat it and how to manage it.”
Mitch said his new learnings would be applied to assist patients at The Friendlies and to train other staff.
He applied last year to undertake the course, led by Lorimer Moseley AO, who’s a leading pain scientist, clinician and educator.
According to Pain Revolution, pain is a protective response that makes people do (or not do) something to protect the painful body part.
Pain is caused by a complex interaction of biological, psychological and social factors.
It may start out as a physical injury, but other social and psychological factors can prolong the pain long after the injury has healed.
“As a pain educator I’ll be assisting patients and talking to other health professionals about how we can best manage pain,” Mitchell said.
This might include helping patients to understand their pain so they can deal with it more confidently and potentially reduce their reliance on medications.
Mitchell grew up in Bundaberg and attended North Bundaberg High School before studying Physiotherapy at the University of Queensland.
In September he’ll be joining a group of 20 health professionals cycling from Townsville to Carins, raising awareness and funds to promote up to date pain management.
The Friendlies’ experienced and qualified physiotherapists are available to help people recover from injury, reduce pain and stiffness and increase mobility.
They’re at 102 Woondooma Street, Bundaberg, phone 07 4331 1888.