Private Health Services Continues to Keep You Safe
Letter to Residents of Wide Bay
Dear Resident,
The Friendly Society Private Hospital & Pharmacies have long been respected community assets. We are determined more than ever to remain open for business for those in our community who are not well. We were there for you during the floods of 2013 and we will do all in our power to be there for you during this unprecedented social crisis.
We are working within the evolving guidelines from Federal, State and local authorities to continue to provide the essential medical services. Our surgical, medical, pharmacy and emergency services are still fully operational and here for you. Our hospital remains clean of any COVID-19 cases.
Our team of highly-skilled medical and nursing professionals are here to provide the care you need at our hospital. We want to assure you that these services will continue during this difficult period to the extent we are permitted by law and have modified how we do business accordingly to add further protection to you and your family.
We will continue to share information about our services as this pandemic unfolds and at no time will we continue a service if it is deemed unsafe.
All staff and visitors are now required to follow the strict measures we have put in place within the hospital as listed below.
Thank you for your anticipated support.
Alan Cooper CEO
The health and safety our patients, staff and community is our number one priority, so please STOP and read the entry requirements that are being requested at this time.
- Do not enter hospital if you have flu-like symptoms or are unwell, except to attend Emergency Department
- Do not visit patients who have been admitted with influenza or are in isolation precautions
- One visitor only per patient per day, contact may be made by phone directly to the patient room
- Visitors under 16 years of age are not permitted
- Visiting time of patients is restricted to less than 15 minutes duration
- Maintain social distancing of 2 metres
- Wash hands before entering and when leaving patient areas
- Use hand gels where handwashing facilities are not available
- Adhere to traffic flow barriers, handwashing requirements and all directives provided by our staff
- Do not take our precious personal protective equipment and supplies, they are in short supply and needed to keep our staff and our patients safe
Please help us care for our patients, we thank you for your support.