There are many ways to support The Friendlies Foundation, with every gift, no matter the size, making a difference in the lives of the thousands of people who turn to The Friendlies for help each year.
Every donation above $2 is tax-deductible.
ABN 26 640 937 962
Make a direct deposit
ACC NAME: Foundation Limited
BSB: 084 571 ACC: 72 805 5303
To make a donation by Credit Card, please telephone The Friendlies Foundation office on 4331 1024.
To make a donation by Cheque, please make your cheque out to:
Friendlies Hospital Foundation LTD
And send it to:
The Friendlies Foundation
19-23 Bingera Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670
You can also make your donation in person at the hospital by making an appointment with The Friendlies Foundation office on 4331 1024, or emailing