Friendlies Physiotherapy & Allied Health Services

Allied Health is a broad term given to a range of health professionals that offer services to improve the health and wellbeing of patients.

Friendlies Physiotherapy & Allied Health Service provides Physiotherapy treatment and Occupational Therapy advice and assistance.

That means our team can work together if needed to provide the very best care for you.

Friendlies Physio: Our experienced and qualified Physios are here to assist your treatment, recovery and management of a range of conditions.
Friendlies Occupational Therapy: Our team of Occupational Therapists recommends therapeutic activities and equipment that enhances the lives of Friendlies Hospital patients and the broader community.

In-patient services

As an inpatient at the Friendly Society Private Hospital, your doctor may recommend a Friendlies Allied Health professional to come and see you during your stay.

Outpatient services

Anyone from the public is welcome to make appointments with our Allied Health Services Team.
You may also need to, or wish to, continue as an outpatient after in-patient treatment.

Outpatients are required to pay a fee. Some patients may be eligible to receive assistance from DVA or Medicare. In this case, you will need to obtain a DVA referral or EPC-Medicare Care Plan from your GP first, and then make an appointment with us.

If you have “extras” cover within your Private Health Insurance, then you may also be eligible for a rebate.
Please discuss any questions about costs or referrals with one of our helpful receptionists.
Call 07 4331 1888 to book an appointment.

More information

Read our blog posts, for more information on these topics:

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